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    Take A Ride 結果共5筆

  • Taipei Mayor to ride revamped gondola during LNY

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an plans to take his family on a ride on the newly renovated Maokong Gondola during the Lunar New Year holidays to visit the zoo. The gondola cabins have been redesigned in collaboration with "Animal Rescue Team Taiwan" and the popular "Maji Meow" (cat) to promote animal conservation, rescue efforts, and life education. From Feb. 3 to Feb. 14, customers who purchase three one-day passes will receive a limited edition New Year magnet set. Each one-day pass purchase also includes a single limited edition magnet. The cabins feature images of the gondola’s mascots, including the "Landlord" (a sloth), the Maji Cat, EMMA, and a calf. QR codes inside the cabins provide access to real conservation stories, promoting respect for all life and equality among creatures. Visitors to the Camphor Tree Trail during the New Year period can enjoy blooming lupines, the "Maokong Light Halo" at night, and sporadic God of Wealth blessings at various gondola stations. Limited quantities of sweets and cookies will be given away at the gondola stations from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Feb. 10 to Feb. 12.
    2024/02/02 16:03
  • 吳建豪《披荊斬棘》唱跳、顏值都獲讚 吐心聲認和「他」最有話聊

    吳建豪(Van Ness)上月發行專輯《Take a Ride》國際中文版,今(16日)釋出〈CHILL〉中文版MV,MV在美國加州一望無垠的陽光沙漠拍攝,劇情全由他構思,更特別租了60年代的復古汽車和露營車入鏡,完美呈現〈CHILL〉一曲的搖滾精神,有別於英文歌詞輕鬆自然的律動,中文版更唱出了一絲瀟灑的自信。 
    2022/12/16 16:24
  • 吳建豪《披荊斬棘》排名墊底逆轉! Solo後空翻秀大肌

    吳建豪(Van Ness)先前在《披荊斬棘》初舞台空降演出,炸翻全場。隨著節目來到第四次公演,吳建豪與任賢齊、ICE楊長青合作加分賽〈空空〉,讓原先團隊墊底名次,直接逆轉勝成為該場演出第一名!
    2022/10/16 13:35
  • 童年男神「披荊斬棘」玩命出場!單手吊10米高 網看傻:太炸了

    吳建豪(VanNess)近期才推出全英文專輯《Take A Ride》,緊接著便馬不停蹄地錄製《披荊斬棘的哥哥》第二季,在初舞台表演時,他空降現身,一開唱便炸翻全場,許多網友震撼直呼:「童年男神一出場就抓住全場眼球!」在打Call環節,硬邀請到籃球巨星林書豪助陣。目前吳建豪在32位哥哥之中,獲得觀眾喜愛程度第6名,令人更加期待他未來的精采表現。
    2022/08/20 17:48
  • 太狂!吳建豪MV找《尚氣》武術團隊跨刀 巧遇楊紫瓊聊不停

    吳建豪(VanNess)明(22)日將推出個人首張全英文專輯《Take A Ride》,從先前曝光的〈Chill〉、〈It’s On〉兩首英文單曲中,可看出他對音樂創作的野心,不僅擔任詞曲創作,更包含整張專輯的音樂製作,他將自己設定為音樂旅人,到世界各地汲取養分,像是在英國民宿、加州海濱小屋、倫敦的錄音室以及日本京都古城,都激發出不同靈感,探索內心深處,再將其匯集茁壯為專輯。
    2022/07/21 18:39
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